埼玉医科大学雑誌 第36巻 第2号 (2010年3月) 119-124頁 ◇論文(図表を含む全文)は,PDFファイルとなっています.

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原 著
食後血中トリグリセリド値上昇は小腸ALPアイソザイム活性値と相関する −分泌・非分泌ABO式血液型を含めた考察−

菊野 晃1,2),中野 貴成2),松下 誠3),浜田 節雄4), 前島 静顕4),渡辺 伸一郎1),井上 郁夫5),片山 茂裕5)
1)東京女子医科大学病院 中央検査部
2)埼玉医科大学 医学部 生化学
3)埼玉県立大学 健康福祉学科
4)蓮田病院 外科
5)埼玉医科大学 医学部 内分泌・糖尿病内科
〔平成21年5月21日 受付 / 平成21年12月17日 受理〕

Elevated post-prandial triglyceride concentrations accord to the activity of intestinal alkaline phosphatase isozyme in human−Concerning with the ABO blood group secretor and their non-secretor−
Akira Kikuno1,2), Takanari Nakano2), Makoto Matsushita3), Setsuo Hamada4), Shizuaki Maejima4), Shinichiro Watanabe1), Ikuo Inoue5), Shigehiro Katayama5)

 Twenty five healthy subjects and 24 obese subjects were taken a normal meal and a high-fat meal, and the blood triglyceride (TG) concentration and intestinal alkaline phosphatase(IAP) activity of these subjects were measured before and after the meal. Comparing the normal-meal subjects and the high-fat meal subjects, it was found that the high-fat meal subject group was higher than the normal-meal subject group in the TG concentration; 25.4%for the healthy subjects and 31.8% for the obese subjects (p<0.01 in bothcases). In addition, it was found that the high-fat meal subject group was higher than the normal-meal subject group for the intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) activity; 13.9% in the healthy subjects and 25.9% in the obese subjects (p=0.08 and 0.03, respectively).  Regarding the IAP activity, some difference was found between A and B, A and O blood groups (p<0.05) for the healthy subjects, and a significant difference was found between A and B, A and O, AB and B, AB and O blood groups for the obese subjects (p<0.01).  The correlation coefficient between the TG concentration and the IAP activity was the same value as 0.15 for A and AB, and 0.89 for B and O blood groups in the normal-meal subjects, and the same value as 0.46 for A and AB,and 0.91 for B and O blood groups in the high-fat meal subjects. In the subjects have taken the normal-meal and high-fat meal, B and O blood groups had a higher correlationship to the TG and IAP levels, than those of A and AB blood groups. Taken together, it was suggested that the increased IAP activity and the TG metabolism were strongly associated with each other in ABO blood group secretors. For the decreased abdominal circumference, TG and IAP values before and after eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) administration, the B and/or O blood group secretors were remarkable compared with the non-secretor of B and the O blood groups.
J Saitama Medical University 2010; 36: 119-124
(Received May 21, 2009 / Accepted December 17, 2009)

Keywords: ABO blood group; high-fat meal; Chylomicron; Intestinal alkaline phosphatase; Triglyceride; Eicosapentaenoic acid ; the B and/or O blood group secretor

(C) 2010 The Medical Society of Saitama Medical University