埼玉医科大学雑誌 第37巻 第1号 (2010年8月) 11-14頁 ◇論文(図表を含む全文)は,PDFファイルとなっています.

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山本 龍一, 加藤 真吾, 原田 舞子, 小板橋 絵理, 天野 芙美, 林 健次郎, 青山 徹, 平井 紗弥可, 知念 克哉, 可児 和仁, 石田 周幸, 宮城 直也, 櫻田 智也, 大野 志乃, 川島 淳一, 佐藤 恵子, 屋嘉比 康治
埼玉医科大学 総合医療センター 消化器・肝臓内科
〔平成21年12月21日 受付 / 平成22年3月23日 受理〕

Endoscopic removal of 83 foreign objects
Ryuichi Yamamoto, Shingo Kato, Maiko Harada, Eri Koitabashi, Fumi Amano, Kenjiro Hayashi, Toru Aoyama, Sayaka Hirai, Katsuya Chinen, Kazuhito Kani, Shuko Ishida, Naoya Miyagi, Tomoya Sakurada, Shino Ono, Jyunichi Kawashima, Keiko Sato, Koji Yakabi(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama medical center, Saitama medical university)

 Endoscopic removal of foreign objects was performed in 83 patients for four years in our hospital. We evaluated the efficiency of endoscopic removal of foreign objects in 83 patients. In the management of patients with a foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract, patients with a foreign object in the esophagus or patients who have ingested a sharp pointed object requiring urgent treatment to avoid an increased risk of complications. The key aim in the endoscopic management of foreign objects in the gastrointestinal track is to avoid causing additional damage during retrieval of the foreign object. The use of devices such as a protector hood and an esophageal overtube may facilitate safer retrieval of an object.
J Saitama Medical University 2010; 37: 11-14
(Received December 21, 2009 / Accepted March 23, 2010)

Keywords: foreign object, endoscopic removal

(C) 2010 The Medical Society of Saitama Medical University