埼玉医科大学雑誌 第39巻 第2号 (2013年3月) 113-120頁 ◇論文(図表を含む全文)は,PDFファイルとなっています.

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中嶋 京一1)※*,進藤 靖史1),神津 教倫2),三村 俊英1)
1) 埼玉医科大学 リウマチ膠原病科
2) こうづ整形外科
現所属:国立病院機構東埼玉病院 リウマチ科
〔平成24年6月22日 受付 / 平成25年1月28日 受理〕

Serum BAFF is associated with clinical background and simplified disease activity index (SDAI) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Kyoichi Nakajima1)※*, Yasufumi Shindo1), Noritsune Kozu2), and Toshihide Mimura1)
Department of Rheumatology and Applied Immunology, Saitama Medical University,
38 Morohongo, Moroyama, Iruma-gun, Saitama 350-0495, Japan

 The B-cell activating factor belonging to TNF family (BAFF) might play a pathogenic role in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) because it has been reported that BAFF levels increases in RA serum, and anti-BAFF mAb ameliorates RA activity. In this study, we analyzed the relevance of serum soluble BAFF (sBAFF) levels to the clinical background of patients with RA.

 Sixty-two RA patients were enrolled in this study. Calculated was the correlation between sBAFF levels and clinical background (age, disease duration, CRP, ESR, IgM-RF, ACPA, MMP-3, IgG, HAQ, dosage of MTX and/or Prednisolone (PSL)), SDAI, Total Sharp score, joint narrowing score, or erosion score. Multiple regression analyses, in which significant parameters in univariate analysis were used as independent variables, were performed to analyze the significance of sBAFF with respect to SDAI as the dependent variable.

 sBAFF was inversely correlated with dosage of PSL (p=0.03) in all patients and with disease duration (p=0.02) in ACPA-positive patients. In multiple regression analysis, adjusted R2 of SDAI of all and ACPA-positive patients were 0.66 and 0.64, respectively (p<0.0001). Significant independent valuables were sBAFF, IgM-RF, HAQ, and dosage of PSL.

 sBAFF might be relevant to a patient’s clinical background and SDAI of RA.

J Saitama Medical University 2013; 39: 113-120
(Received June 22, 2012 / Accepted January 28, 2013)

Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, BAFF, SDAI

(C) 2013 The Medical Society of Saitama Medical University